Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>, where <token> is your auth token.
Bearer <token>
The next page of pagination results. null if there are no more results.
The previous page of pagination results. null if there was no previous page.
Show child attributes
Email address
Bank account number (e.g. IBAN)
SWIFT/BIC code of the bank
Email addresses to receive a blind carbon copy of all notification emails
Company brand name
Email addresses to receive a carbon copy of all notification emails
City name
Country code in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (e.g. 'GB')
Object creation time
Name and surname of client
Legal name of company
Personal identification code of client
Phone number in the <country_code> <number> format
<country_code> <number>
Registration number of company
State code
Street house number and flat address where applicable
ZIP or postal code
Tax payer registration number
Object type identifier
Object last modification time